Types and Brands of Methadone (Methadose, Dolophine)

Clinical Reviewer

Methadone has been used to treat opioid addiction for more than 50 years. Methadose is the most well-known brand, but there are others, as well as generic versions of methadone. 

There are no clinical differences between the various types or brands of methadone. All versions use the same active ingredient and carry the same methadone side effects and methadone drug interactions. The milligram total of medication is what is important. Some patients prefer one type over another due to taste or consistency, but clinics usually do not offer more than one form of methadone.

Is methadone a brand name?

No, methadone is a generic name, not a brand name. Generic methadone is offered by several drug manufacturers. The brand names of methadone in the U.S. are Methadose and Dolophine.

Brand Names for Methadone

Methadose, Dolophine, Methadone HCl Intensol (UK), Diskets (UK)

Street Names for Methadone

Fizzies, Amidone, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Dolls, Metho, Juice, Wafer, Maria

What is Methadose?

Methadose is a brand name for cherry-flavored methadone that is ten times more concentrated than previously used methadone mixed with juice or Tang.

The manufacturer (Mallinckrodt) also offers: 

What is the difference between Methadose and methadone?

The difference between methadone and Methadose liquid is that Methadose is ten times more concentrated and dispensed undiluted. This makes Methadose easier to take and distribute than other types of methadone. But, because you take a smaller volume of medication, exact doses for methadone is more critical. 

Instead of drinking a glass-sized amount for dosing, Methadose is more of a shot-sized amount. Though, most patients prefer the taste of the juice-mixed version better.

Typical Methadone Glass (Orange) vs. Methadose Syrup (Red)

Do methadone clinics use Methadose?

Some methadone clinics use Methadose. It’s attractive to clinics because it doesn’t require mixing, but many patients do not like the taste.  And, there is no clinical difference between the generic Methadone or brands like Methadose. Methadone clinics use whatever medication type works best for their clinic (tablet, concentrate or liquid) and what’s available from their distributors. Usually, clinics do not offer more than one type or brand of methadone.

How do you take Methadose?

You take Methadose daily, usually at a methadone clinic. Typically, a nurse gives you the medication in a cup to drink orally. The laws around taking the medication outside of a clinic were relaxed during COVID-19, but most methadone clinics limit taking home the medication to just a day or a few days under specific circumstances because of the obvious risk of abuse.

What is Dolophine?

Dolophine is a U.S. brand of methadone that comes in the form of a dissolvable tablet which is typically mixed with a liquid (usually juice) before being administered to patients at a methadone clinic. Dolophine is the original form of methadone in the U.S., introduced in 1947.

Dolophine Tablet Photos

Dolophine FAQs

Yes, Dolophine is methadone hydrochloride tablets available in 5 mg and 10 mg doses.

No, Dolophine does not contain morphine. Dolophine is methadone.

Here is where the confusion may come from: 

  • Methadone is a treatment for morphine addiction and may occasionally be given to chronic pain patients instead of a medication like morphine.​
  • The “phine” in Dolophine comes from the Latin word for “end.” Together with “dolo”, Dolophine translates to “pain end”.​

Is there generic methadone?

Yes, there is generic methadone. Generic methadone is available in tablet, concentrate and liquid versions from several different manufacturers. That said, a methadone clinic usually chooses just one type of methadone. You can’t request generic methadone at a clinic to save money like with other medications at a pharmacy.

Is there a methadone pill?

Yes, generic methadone comes in pill form, but pills are not used in the treatment of opioid addiction. 

Methadone pills are only used for the management of severe, chronic pain, often for terminally ill patients when other pain medications don’t work or aren’t well tolerated. 

By using methadone only in liquid form, opioid addiction patients aren’t tempted to hide the pill in their cheek or inject any take-home doses.

Is there a methadone patch?

There is not a methadone patch currently available, though research from 2017 showed the promising potential of this delivery method.

International Methadone Brands

What is Intensol?

Methadone HCl Intensol is a brand of liquid methadone that has the same 10 mg per ml concentration as Methadose brand methadone, but is manufactured by Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC, which is headquartered in London, UK.

What is Diskets?

Diskets is a methadone hydrochloride 40 mg dispersible tablet of methadone that gets dissolved in liquids like juice. Diskets is also manufactured by the UK company Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC.

What does methadone Diskette look like?

Diskette is a pink or peach square-shaped dissolvable tablet with 54 883 imprinted on one side.

Diskette Tablet Photos

Accessing Methadone in the U.S.

Methadone requires a special license and monitoring by the DEA. In Illinois and Texas, Symetria could be a great option for you. Otherwise, call the number on the back of your insurance card or try the national SAMHSA Opioid Treatment Program directory.

Symetria doctors follow rigorous sourcing guidelines and cite only trustworthy sources of information, including peer-reviewed journals, court records, academic organizations, highly regarded nonprofit organizations, government reports and their own expertise with decades in the field.

Certification of Opioid Treatment Programs (otps). SAMHSA. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.samhsa.gov/medication-assisted-treatment/become-accredited-opioid-treatment-program

Greer, A.M., Hu, S., Amlani, A. et al. Patient perspectives of methadone formulation change in British Columbia, Canada: outcomes of a provincial survey. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 11, 3 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-016-0048-3

Samhsa extends the methadone take-home flexibility for one year while working toward a permanent solution. SAMHSA. (2021, November 18). Retrieved May 6, 2022, from https://www.samhsa.gov/newsroom/press-announcements/202111181000

All content is for informational purposes only. No material on this site, whether from our doctors or the community, is a substitute for seeking personalized professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard advice from a qualified healthcare professional or delay seeking advice because of something you read on this website.

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  • What are the call back rules for a person going to outpatient methadone.only 2 days a month

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