How Long Does Withdrawal Last? (An Opioid Detox Timeline)

Clinical Reviewer

When someone with opioid addiction tries to quit, they often experience harsh withdrawal symptoms. Usually, these withdrawals cause so much pain that people resume using opioids to ease the symptoms. For most people, it is impossible to stop abusing opioids without the help of an addiction doctor.

  In This Article

How Long Do Withdrawals Last?

While withdrawal symptoms are very unpleasant and painful, they usually begin to improve within seventy-two hours.

Within a week, there should be a significant decrease in the acute symptoms.

Longer-term symptoms are usually more behavioral and emotional, though there can be mild physical symptoms (such as withdrawal insomnia) that may take several weeks to resolve.

Opioid Withdrawal Timeline


How Long Opioiod Withdrawal Lasts
Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms Timeline

As you might suspect, timing depends on the individual and factors such as:

Withdrawal Symptoms Lasting Longer Than 10 Days

Some people experience lingering symptoms like fatigue or inexplicable chronic pain. The term post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) is used to describe withdrawal symptoms that last longer than 10 days. Learn more about post-acute withdrawal syndrome.

What Are the Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal?

Generally, physical opioid withdrawal symptoms can be mild to severe and can last anywhere from a few days to a month. It comes in two phases.

Initial Phase Withdrawal Symptoms

Most people start to feel these symptoms after not using opioids for around eight hours.  

Second Phase Withdrawal Symptoms

The second phase, which can be more intense, begins after the first day or so. Symptoms in the second phase include: 

What Happens During Withdrawal?

The body produces natural opioids that control pain, anxiety and depression. But, if a person gets a broken leg, for example, the body doesn’t produce enough opioids to treat the pain. External opioids treat the pain.

Over time and prolonged use, opioid receptors in the brain, the spinal cord and gastrointestinal tracts become desensitized. Higher dosages are needed to achieve the same effect. The increased consumption creates a dependency on the receptors, and when the person stops taking the opioid, the body can’t cope with the lack of the drug.

How can I feel better?

There’s no need to feel so terrible. Suboxone clinics use buprenorphine to feel better right away and get through withdrawal while you live at home.  Though there are more side effects of methadone, it is also an option that provides immediate relief.

Without medical supervision, withdrawals are uncomfortable, stressful and too often result in overdose. The physical and mental toll caused by opioid withdrawal can be addressed. 

Symetria Opiate Detox Centers

If you’ve tried to stop, it’s easy to feel like there is no hope of overcoming opioid addiction, but thousands of people are living healthily and happily without feeling high or sick. If you’ve been able to get past the detox phase, joining an IOP program or using medications like Suboxone or methadone helps you stay healthy long-term.

Symetria doctors follow rigorous sourcing guidelines and cite only trustworthy sources of information, including peer-reviewed journals, court records, academic organizations, highly regarded nonprofit organizations, government reports and their own expertise with decades in the field.

Kosten, T. R., & Baxter, L. E. (2019). Review article: Effective management of opioid withdrawal symptoms: A gateway to opioid dependence treatment. The American Journal on Addictions28(2), 55–62.

Srivastava, A. B., Mariani, J. J., & Levin, F. R. (2020). New directions in the treatment of opioid withdrawal. The Lancet395(10241), 1938–1948.

All content is for informational purposes only. No material on this site, whether from our doctors or the community, is a substitute for seeking personalized professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard advice from a qualified healthcare professional or delay seeking advice because of something you read on this website.

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  • I’m on day 4 and it’s gotten so much better .. I was taking about 4 30mg a day for almost 2 years as well .. Things are going to get better .. I’m still in minor minor pain .. ibuprofen is your best friend..

  • I did about 8 30s 3 days in a row and I stop but now I just randomly start to sweat but cold at the same time. I’ve been like this for the past 3 days. When does it stop?

  • I been using opioids for roughly 10 years. Some prescribed years and others not. I believe that it is messing with my heart and I am 100 percent done with it . I stop cold turkey and yes I went through with draws im currently roughly around 2nd week and my blood pressure is horrible it’s 164/103 . I went to hospital last night . I don’t know what to do

  • On day one of trying to quit fentanyl. Been on it and herion for the last 7 years. Been trying the tapering process. Going a day or 2 between small doses. Or what I call small doses.. a couple points. Withdrawls usually kick in around 36-48 hrs mark for me. Restless legs,no sleep,hot cold and skin crawling.. Maybe I’ll make it this time. I hope the best for all gall.

  • I take 3-4 Percocet at once daily.
    That’s all I take . I have been taking them for approximately 8 years. I have had 2 shoulder surgeries.i want to stop cold turkey. I am 70 years old.
    Help me please with the right decision.

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